01 April 2010

On FaceBook, Every Day is April Fool’s Day

Here are some of the favored pranks you can try:

Find a picture of a wineglass butt (females) or 6-pack abs (males) to use as your profile

Use the words “my son” and “state championship” in numerous posts

State that you rarely have time for FB, even though everyone can see via the chat feature that you’re full of shit

Track down old flames, then act surprised to find them there

Give BS examples of how your kids are oh-so perfectly smart

Express your 6th grade political views with such vehemence that people actually think you know what the hell you’re talking about

Call yourself a “playa” from the safety of Mom’s basement computer


bedeviled by Duke said...

FB is like mescalin for the double digit IQ crowd.

wvmountaineer said...

FB rocks, Puke sux!

Esqaured the Magnificent said...

I remember the time I told Jon that he dropped something while we were in the shower! f*&*ing HILARIOUS! Boy did he love it. Michael Jackson showed it to me originally...the *&@!ing bastard, God rest.