16 August 2007

Football Season Is Upon Us

Football season is starting, and that means over the next 5 months you can expect the following:

· During a sideline interview at halftime, the coach of the team that’s ahead will be more or less pleased about how the game is progressing, but will caution that “there’s a long way to go.”
· After a play that worked in the first half doesn’t work in the second, a color commentator will inform the viewing audience that the offensive coordinator “went to the well once too often.”
· A fat guy in a sports bar, beer in one hand, cigarette in the other, will yell over his plate of onion ring carcasses that it’s time for his team to “dig deep” and you’ll wonder how deep Tubby has to dig to make it up a flight of stairs.
· Three weeks into the NFL season, some team will still be undefeated and pre-game shows will begin parading out the ’72 Dolphins.
· Six weeks into the season, you’ll grab the remote and announce to everyone in the room that you “can’t watch that damn Peyton Manning commercial again.”
· Troy Aikman will babble on about how it’s the slot receiver’s job to get open in the flat and Ijust don’tknow howaguycanpossiblyrunaroutethatbad, etc. and you’ll suddenly realize he hasn’t inhaled in over 4 minutes.
· A play-by-play announcer will yell that a punt returner has “one man to beat!” seconds before 3 guys tackle him.
· Your TV Guide will list “SEC Football” and for the third or fourth time since the beginning of the season you’ll become excited at the possibilities of who might be playing: Florida-Tennessee? Georgia-LSU? Auburn-Arkansas? Then you’ll once more deflate when you see that it’s Vanderbilt and Kentucky, two teams you’ll swear have played each other at least twice already.
· A radio sports talk host will term a caller an imbecile for expressing a theory about the local team.
· The same radio sports talk host will fawn all over some assistant coach who expresses a theory identical to that of the aforementioned imbecile.
· Chris Berman will say, “Nobody circles the wagons like the Buffalo Bills” with such conviction that, for a while, you’ll think it actually means something.
· A player on a team with only a remote chance for the playoffs will state that his team must henceforth play “one game at a time” and then “see what happens.”
· You will look at the commentators’ “Keys to the game” and think, “Score a lot of points and limit their scoring. Got it.”
· The twelfth time you hear someone say that the BCS is one letter too many, you’ll stop even pretending to laugh.
· After the Super Bowl, you know you’re going to miss football over the next 7 months, but not desperately enough to actually watch the Pro Bowl.


Anonymous said...

You have an international audience. Please, state 'American football' if that's what you mean. I was so disappointed when I saw that the entry wasn't about real football.

Anonymous said...

Re #7, the announcer will then attempt to recover by stating that the “one man” “slowed him down just enough” even though he never got within 10 yards of the returner.

Anonymous said...

Troy Aikman is not human, therefore he has no need for oxygen. I thought an expert such as yourself would already know something that basic.

Anonymous said...

You silly boys and your football.... *bats eyes*

* During a college football half time show, a talking head will address the "character" of this football team. Just once I wish they would address the "intestinal fortitude" of the football team. I have never seen anyone soil their tight hot pants--and I've watched some shitty games.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of intestinal fortitude, here's a prediction for you:

At least 100 college & pro team message boards will have discussions about "heart" and "champions find a way to win." Until their team loses, that is. After that, most of the conversation will be about how bad the refereeing is this year.