02 August 2007

Babysitting Blues

I can’t get any f****** babysitting jobs!

My plan for the summer was pick up some extra f****** cash babysitting, but I haven’t made sh** and the summer is half-f****** over! Why can’t I get f****** work? I have friends who babysit and they’re dipsh**s! Why won’t any f***nut parents hire me? And don’t give me that bullsh** about babysitting being for chicks. I know plenty of guys who do it (most of whom are a**holes with earrings and tattoos, of which I have neither!).

It’s not like I haven’t gotten jobs before. Fact is, I’m a d*** good worker. I worked construction one summer and that’s hard-a** labor! The summer before that, I was employee of the f****** month at the car wash! And when I’m not working summer jobs, I’m a straight A f****** student in college! But does any of that impress people? H*** no!

Example: A single dad needs a sitter and he f****** asks me, “Do you have a girlfriend?” wondering, I guess, whether I’ll spend the night sucking some b****’s face rather than watching his f***a** kids. I told him, “F*** yeah, I got me a piece of a**, but when I’m on the f****** clock, her a** won’t be anywhere near this place, you can bet your wife’s left t** on that, may she rest in peace.” But rather than acting reassured, he stops the conversation, like I’m lying or somef******thing. Sh**!

Then there’s the lady who asked me if I’m a partier. I tell her the truth: “I don’t drink. I don’t smoke. I don’t even like that f****** sh** that passes for rock ‘n’ roll these days.” Then I joked, “’Course, I might buttf*** your cat if I get to feeling frisky!”

Apparently, the b**** didn’t get it because I didn’t hear from her again.

Anyway, I can tell you one f****** thing: Next year I’m going back to the car wash or f****** construction site. This babysitting bullsh** turned out to be a f****** waste of what should have been a kick-a** summer!


Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean! I finally just broke down and started bringing them over to my own house! We had so much fun together! We romped about the yard until we were hot and sweaty and then enjoyed a special fun bath time together. Babysitting; not only for the girls!

Anonymous said...

A lot of churches run Vacation Bible Schools in the summer. You could ask your local pastor about working one of those.

Anonymous said...

Interesting ideas and comments. The church fully supports male babysitting.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Cardinal Ximinez. I would add that soft cushions are quite effective for discipline!

Anonymous said...

My socks are a tetherball.