24 July 2007

10 Festering Questions

1. Is this site finally finished with the Harry Potter crap?

2. Why is “ssssss” the universal sound effect for taking a leak?

3. Since Venus spins in a backward rotation, would defensive backs have the advantage there?

4. Hypothetically speaking, how well would a feral cat have to perform on an American Idol-type show if the judges were all bunnies?

5. Who would win a fart-off between students from USC (a lot of Mexican restaurants there), Florida (Cuban food), and Ohio State (with their Polish sausages and cheap beer)?

6. Is there no way the grammar police won’t do what their critics didn’t say they wouldn’t?

7. If Montana and South Dakota were one big state, would it be any less remote than New Hampshire?

8. Why do rock & rollers pretend they’re cowboys?

9. And who do they think they’re fooling?

10. Is it really 2 guys writing this blog, or 1 guy writing under 2 different names?


Anonymous said...

Why is USC mentioned in the same sentence as Fla and THE BUCKEYES? Were they in the BCS championship? Did they make the Final Four?

Anonymous said...

Here's something festering for you:

THE Ohio State University. Give me break, are they so stupid they don't know that without saying it? Hey honey, pass me THE f**king salt?
Idiots....USC RAWKS!

Anonymous said...

Spoken like a true wanna-be, Rubber.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure THE ohio st numbnuts can even understand the depth of humor of this site, more or less compete in a fart competition with the MIGHTY TROJANS! morons....

PS: any of you buckbutts out there read some this stuff and let me know your 'thoughts', lol...

Anonymous said...

LOL! Why would anyone 'wanna-be' a Buckhead? Shoot for the top, Trojans--UF!

BTW, I've always wondered about the 'ssssssss' thing too (among other questions you posed).

Anonymous said...

Trojans nibble dingleberries.

Anonymous said...

USC has won 84 national championships.

Ohio State has won 21 national championships.

Florida has won 17 national championships.

So OSU and UF combined have almost won half as many national championships as USC.

Anonymous said...


guess we are counting volleyball, tiddlywinks and numbers of murders by ex-players.....

Anonymous said...

Let me guess, Ann: at least 70 of those 84 are in football, right? I know USC claims championships voted on by newsletter editors, LA papers, and, of course, those they award themselves.

Anonymous said...

You Americans need to stop bickering about your so-called "football" (snicker) and get back to the issue at hand: Why "ssss" is used to illustrate urination on both sides of the pond.