29 February 2008

Leap Day Thoughts

As February 29 only comes around every whatever it is (14 or 15 years?), it marks a perfect time to take a break from the mundane and contemplate life’s larger questions. As a public service, I will provide some concepts for our readers to wrap their minds around on this Leap Day 2008. Happy thinking.

How can the universe keep expanding? What’s out there beyond it? And if it’s nothing (not even space), what would that look like?

How can pi be infinite and the universe not?

If there are parallel universes, is there a me out there who didn’t tell Erika Elaniak to take a hike?

Can people really make deals with the devil? And if not, how do you explain David Lee Roth?

If diarrhea dehydrates you, would holding it in keep you moist?

Are there bowl games in heaven? If not, how do they waste away New Year’s Day?

When guys tell stories that involve taking a leak, why do they invariably hold their right hands like they’re gripping a can of Fosters?

Why didn’t they make crap a cuss word? It’s got 4 letters, it refers to a bodily function not discussed in polite company, and it sounds vulgar—in short, all the usual prerequisites for profanity. And yet, it never achieved such status.

Were down actually the dreams of black spotted puppies, would geese be any less mobile in the rain?

Why does armpit hair stop growing after it reaches a certain length?

What would happen if Jack Bauer and Jason Bourne were hunting each other down?

And finally,

If the backhoe contingency were followed to the letter, would basic delays of gamesmanship result in an infiltration of the obtuse combination of regulations known as flaggledrop?


Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sick tired of the old worn out 'backhoe contingency to the letter' argument. The very notion that it were not followed exactly to the letter would in turn create a contingent contingency, which, according to Diffenbach's theorem, is non-sequtir and hetergenously creates a prententiously spleenguarded solution. Flaggledrop enthusiasts find such discussion to be adiaphoronic. Not so seasoned followers simply shrug and continue to watch old episodes of HR Pufnstuf.

Anonymous said...

Here a qestion you can thimk about on leap day next yeer: M & M's is good as shit!

Anonymous said...

Hey wvmountaineer:

Here's a leap day question for you. If a husband and wife are married on a leap day, are they still brother and sister?

Anonymous said...

Here's how you write a question:

Turd is to satisfaction as flaggledrop is to ________.