07 June 2007

Liver and Beets

The thought of this simultaneously brings my blood to a boil and provides that eerie feeling that you get right before the bile hits the back of your throat. That what the hell is happening to me feeling followed by the oh crap, I knew I should have flushed the toilet (but the damn camera was dead and I wasn't about to let that gouda beauty get away from me without documenting it) kind of feeling. I think you all know what I mean here.

I defy anyone on the planet to tell me why these two substances should be allowed on the earth. Perhaps renaming the life giving organ to something more noble like 'bassoon' or 'estrada'? Perhaps that purple fruit should be renamed 'fudgepacker' or 'breastial festival'? Frankly, I'm thinking the entire purple dragon and it's family should be banned.

Our friends over at OUINSIDER.com (not to be confused with SCOUT, who SUCKS THE BIG ONE) recognized this early on. Liver and Beets were permanently banned, end of story. Some thought adding a little ketchup or some spices would alter them; but no. Liver and beets in any form are reprehensible.

And while I'm at it. I'm thinking of suing the creators of South Park. Clearly "The Passion of the Jew", episode 804, was a direct rip-off of Liver's final stand, other than the happy ending.

Enough politics. Please contact your grocer, your alderman, you favorite super moderator and let them know your outrage.

Tell them Steven Segal sent you.....


Anonymous said...

Cauliflower, when it's cooked to the approximate consistency (and, BTW, smell) of horse vomit, could rival either of your choices on the disgustmenten (to quote Katarina) scale.

Anonymous said...

They're good for throwing at people. So let them co-exist with potatoes and corn.

Call it affirmative action all you want, but they show up better on old white guys than rotten potatoes and sour corn.

General Fester said...

Dear Marlo Thomas:

Bleeding heart liberal! DEATH to liver and beets!

(I never pictured them as old white guys, but gay terrorists bleating on about global warming...)

Anonymous said...

Steven Segal eats me.