04 September 2007

An Advice Columnist with Dementia

Dear AACwD: I think my boyfriend is cheating on me. Sometimes he smells of perfume. His car does too. More telling, I saw some provocative e-mails from “Sheila” on his computer. Do you think I should confront him?

AACwD: Good morning.

Dear AACwD: I am a recovering alcoholic at my wit’s end. My wife left me, my children (grown) don’t return my calls, and my job is soon to be phased out. I don’t want to drink, but I don’t know where else to turn. Please help!

AACwD: Sometimes my shoes are on the wrong feet. But if they weren’t, it would be double!

Dear AACwD: No matter what I do, I can’t get on my in-laws’ good side. Example: MIL tells me to bring a salad to the family reunion, even though she knows I’m a master chef. Though steamed, I complied, even made a joke about the situation (one that was met with blank stares). Any advice?

AACwD: Have you seen my driver’s license? Half of Spain is in the picture! Quite delightful, really.

Dear AACwD: My husband is so possessive, I can’t stand it! If I so much as talk to another man (like saying “excuse me” in a crowded restaurant), hubby accuses me of sleeping around. I don’t know if it’s insecurity or an overactive imagination, but I’ve about had enough!

AACwD: I must retire to the nest. Bill Tilden is coming to dinner and I mustn’t forget to fluff the nosegay!


Anonymous said...

I'm still here.

Anonymous said...

Dear AACwd:

Why are Sooner fans so darn slow?

Anonymous said...

Sooners? My daughter is coming for a visit. I can't pack my suitcase because the little people are waving.

Anonymous said...

I once dated a girl named Dementia.
She was great in the sack! The only problem was forgetfulness: she kept leaving her spoon up my ass.