05 May 2014

Follow the NBA Playoffs on Twitter!

Dis b redeculouz play dat could get @ellisj eject! #nba

#bobcats stayin wid #heat LOL this 1 goin 7 #bobcatsstayinwid#heatLOLthis1goin7

Aint no shit dem boy ballin allova can say wid da fuck LOL! #griz

#nets gone lose dis game sum shit

Hey @nykool suck my dick bitch

@estradabung fuck you mother bitch


@estradabung @nykool fite all fuckers who do talk n shit any tim

@honkifyoucoachbama @nykool suck my dick bitch

What wi @rhibbert look like antic bitch #pacers #nbaplayoffs

DSterling buttfuckin dildo hope he loose sweep #clipperssuck

#pacers win dis pgeorge best eva!

#griz over #thunder gone b sweep LOL

#rockets too big lookin like sweep #nbadonteatme

#nba #nbaplayoffs #favmovies #replaceTVcatchphrasewithdick

MJ wooda never struggled with a team run by a stupid owner #lebronsucks #bobcatnation