10. The Cleveland Symphony F trigger debate. Long may it wave!
9. The January
1999 exposé suggesting that Millard Fillmore didn’t really discover the trombone.
Rather, it was claimed, he invented
the tetherball.
8. Crappington’s alleged “discovery”
that a Bach 1862 mute with the slide in 4th position sounds just
like a VBF.
7. June 2007 editorial entitled “The Bass Trombone: I Mean, What Sort of Goofy Shit is That?”
6. The long-running Muncy-Loebig debate re. whether the first and second braces should be named after Erik Bung & Niel Hole.
5. The as-yet
unresolved question about P-bones: Can they really approximate a clean sound or
do we use them just because they look so damn cool?
4. The Duquesne
University study suggesting that the friction inherent in the back & forth movement
of the slide will eventually force the spit valve to empty itself under great
pressure (a new wrinkle to the old “Is it the size of the slide or motion of
the trombonist?” argument).
3. Ted Nugent’s
prepared statement that “Ya Shoodn’t give yer horn a female name cuz ya kan’t
blow a girl! Yi yi yi yi yi yi yi!! Ahhhhhh!!!”
2. The “tromboner”
jokes told by the London Philharmonic’s section and the resulting backlash by
their prissy little woodwinds.
1. The question
of whether media bias exists against the Cleveland Symphony or if their
negative press reflects actual widespread hatred. Once this topic hit the
message boards, it took off like smegma from a pervert’s whiz pickle.